Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 4th (posted on May 5th)

Sorry for the delayed post, but last night we had a bit of a doggy emergency to attend to on our end and so I was unable to write the post before bed. For those of you who do not know, my fiance David and I have two miniature poodles - Ash, who we adopted in the fall of 2011, and Pepper, who we have been fostering since last October and just signed the adoption paper work for today! Pepper has a pretty lengthy medical history because he suffered from a serious case of Blastomycosis, a dangerous fungal infection that ultimately claimed his right eye. On Friday I noticed that he was acting quieter than usual, and Friday night we noticed that he whimpered when we picked him up under his belly. Saturday the symptoms continued and his appetite decreased, so we opted to take him to the emergency vet last night and have him checked over. The vet was able to tell us that the pain seemed isolated to his abdomen, and he didn't have much of a temperature either. We are now watching to see how he does the rest of today and tonight, and if he still is under the weather tomorrow we'll take him to the day vet for blood work and x-rays. Go figure that we have this happen while we are already worried and focusing on Christine! Now I'll be worried about Peps and Christine - they both need to heal up!

With that update out of the way, I will share the updates you area all eagerly awaiting regarding Christine's Saturday events. She spent the morning with Tom, who came from VT to visit and brought breakfast along. Tom stayed for quite awhile, and then Mom and Tommy and Grandpa John and Grammy Pat came by in the afternoon. Christine was thrilled to have step-sister Ruby as a surprise visitor! She took the train all the way from NYC to come and say hello, and came just in time to french braid Christine's hair after a washing by Grammy Pat and Mom. David and I came in the evening armed with lots of goodies - non-slip head bands, fluoride rinse, Cool Touch Kleenex, Nutrigrain bars, greek yogurt dip from COSTCO, Welches fruit snacks... We were planning to stay for a few hours last evening, but that happened to be in the midst of the height of our worry about Pepper and after consulting with his vet we opted to leave Christine after just a quick hello to take Pepper to the vet.

Grammy Pat sewed up PICC Line Puppy last night, so he's back in his daily occupation supporting Christine's arm. Gram also brought in some colorful scarves for Christine to use as sashes - the bathrobes she is wearing don't stay closed very easily and so having the sash helps her stay covered, and she says "makes her feel more feminine." It's the small things when you are dealing with something like this, right? Derm didn't allow Christine to go outside yesterday because it was too hot and sunny, but she is hoping to take a short trip outside this afternoon to a shady area. Grandpa John also brought in his famous pancakes for her to enjoy for breakfast today! Christine and her nurse walked all the way to the kitchen today to have them heated up, and I think that it was a great way to make Christine smile first thing in the morning.

They have upped her nerve medication because she doesn't feel much relief there yet, but apparently that can take a long time to "kick in". They have started tapering the steroids and she went down by 5mg yesterday. some of the ulcers in her mouth have opened up which is hopefully the first step to healing, but it still looks pretty gnarly in there. The blisters / areas of dead skin on her feet have finally opened and peeled as well, which causes her a lot of pain while walking. She had a bit of a breathing episode yesterday and had to use the nebulizer to help  - it did make her feel like she could breathe easier, but it isn't changing her O2 sats. Even though we have been pushing for an explanation for the decreased O2 sats, we haven't really gotten anything satisfactory yet. It sounds like they have ordered an x-ray, but we aren't sure when that will happen.

**Update! Katie and Phil stopped by yesterday evening as well and Christine said it was really great to have some time to talk with them! She's always so excited when she gets to see Katie :) 

Will update again tonight!

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