Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21st

Today I had a ton of doctor’s appointments. It was so weird to be back at the hospital not in the hospital. It was a long day but hey it’s over. 

Derm told me that its going to be 6-9 months before my hair and my nails stop falling out, and until the weight from the steroids come off. For those of you who don't know, steroids cause you to gain a lot of water weight, and I feel incredible huge and bloated (whale-ish actually) as a result. I'm really sad to hear how long it will take. Because of the newness of my skin I can't be in the skin for a year, and that became obvious today when I got a sunburn just from walking from the car to the doctor's office. 

After visiting Derm I visited my primary care doctor, who I want to do a special shout out to. I forgot to mention her in my blog post yesterday and she has been absolutely AMAZING. She visiting me almost every single day in the hospital, and treated me like I was one of her children. Seriously, she is the best doctor I have ever had. We talked about my lungs, and decided to get a chest x ray to check things out. She thinks that it is probably still just the pain meds. We talked about my joints as well, and decided it would be best to wait two weeks and see what happens with them. 

I visited OB/GYN next, and they weren't super helpful because the treatment there is to 'stay the course'. Everything is healing slowly. They did sympathize with what a horrific experience I've had, especially as a woman. 

Caroline came for dinner tonight and ate with Mom, Tommy, Grammy, and I (Grandpa ate on his own earlier in the day). It was so good to see her, it's been a long time!! I got to snuggle with Ash and Pepper too, which totally made my day. Tomorrow I am going on a lunch date with my coworker, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to get out of the house and visit with a friend! 


  1. Glad to hear that your visits went well, even if it is not the news you wanted. I forgot that I had a presentation Don and I were going to tonight and we just got home, so I couldn't call. Have a wonderful lunch tomorrow! I will call you when I get home from work!
    Love you lots!

  2. Sorry the news is not as good as you hoped...maybe if you keep going as well as you have been it will be faster?! Fingers crossed. Love you guys
