Friday, April 19, 2013

Thank you for all of the support

Christine wanted me to write a post dedicated to the cards, gifts, flowers, and visitors she has been receiving. She has said over and over again how much all of the support means to her, and it is helping her stay strong and optimistic. I am going to do my best to list everything she has received and post pictures, but forgive me if I forget you! 

Also, Christine has allowed me to share a picture of her in her present state in the hospital. She says hello to you all.

And now for the thank you shout outs! Thank you to: 

  • Caroline's soon to be in-laws Susan, Harvie, and Katie for the beautiful flowers! 
  • Aunt Cindy, Uncle Don, Cousin Katie, and Cousin Megan for the beautiful flowers! We sadly do not have a photo of these. 
  • Caroline's friends Diana, Victoria, Jamie, and Zoe for the super cute stuffed yellow lab and balloon! 
  • The Allen Cousins for the beautiful flowers
  • Friend Molly for the cute blooming flower! 
  • Co-workers Joanne and Debbie for the awesome pink flowers! 
  • The happy balloons from co-workers at Mass Eye and Ear.
  • My co-worker Deidre for the cute pink orchid! 
  • Our family friends Jackie and Andy for the purple orchid! 
  • Books from old Beverly co-worker Lauren!
  • Adorable prayer bear from Uncle Chip and Sabrina. 

  • Many gifts and visits from my good friend and co-worker Rebecca. 
  • Milk shakes, Neo picutre, a scarf, time, and support from my step-sister Kimmy! *UPDATED*
  • For Tom taking care of Neo and sending videos to make me smile! *UPDATED*
  • Lots of food and shakes from various visitors. 
  • Vermont art from Grammy Jane.
  • Cards from: step-sister Kimmy, old co-worker Laura, cousin Katie R., friend Heather, family Steven, Wendy, Josh, and Ryan, co-workers at Mass Eye and Ear, step-dad Tom, Uncle Chip and Aunt Sabrina, Grammy Jane, Caroline's friends Viki and Matt

And thank you to everyone else, and we are sorry if we forget to mention you specifically! All of these kind gifts are making Christine's hospital room very cheery and are a constant reminder of how much people love and care about her.

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